Amazon's Impact On Residential Real Estate
Below are three videos that talk about Amazon's impact on residential real estate when they move their headquarters to our area. The first is a general video about the move, the second is about Amazons impact on the residential real estate market for sellers and the last is about the impact on home buyers.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can call us at the office 301.656.7700 or Email:
Amazon's impact on the Washington DC Metro residential real estate market.
If you're a seller, what's the Amazon effect? Watch our video below to see our thoughts.
The reality is none of us know quite yet but I would say the following, if you live in Montgomery County or DC I wouldn't assume that Amazon's going to affect the value of your real estate at all. If you have a property in Northern Virginia within a radius of Crystal City and you don't have to sell, my recommendation would be try to hold on and see if additional appreciation occurs. None of us are smart enough to time the market.
Watch our video below if you are a buyer or a real estate speculator and want to know our thoughts on the Amazon effect?
If you'd like to buy in the northern Virginia area within a radius of Crystal City, I would suggest it’s a great time to buy because prices probably will increase. The other thing that's going to happen to these properties as you will probably see, rents increase because, rents have been very stagnant in the D.C. area, there's only a finite amount of real estate in that marketplace, so probably a good time to buy and hold.