If the buyer is using financing to purchase your home, we take due diligence to ensure that he has the true ability to buy it. We call their lender and ascertain as much as we can about them: what is their credit score, their debt-to-income ratio...their financial ability to buy. We want to have ample evidence of a buyer’s financial worthiness before we advise you to take your home off the market.
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With so many new lending guidelines and restrictions, it is very important to “follow the loan” from the start so that we (and YOU) are assured that progress is being made and this buyer will go to settlement on time.
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The buyers will have identified a settlement (also called a title or closing) company in their offer, and now you can expect to start getting requests from them (for loan payoff information, for example). They will provide you with spe- cific instructions about what you’ll need to bring to settle- ment, how you will receive your proceeds, etc., and are an important part of our home selling “team”. Please don’t hesitate to contact us, or them, if you have any questions about your settlement.